
Back to Basics 01: Sunday Mass

Welcome to the first talk in a series called Back to Basics.  At Mass over the next few weeks I’m to speak about the basic building blocks of Catholic life - the bible, prayer, service of others, confession - and to see how we can use them better to improve our relationship with God and the health of our souls.  We’re all familiar with these things, but we can also very easily take them for granted.  Let’s try during these first few months of the year to appreciate them more. So for this first week, I want to speak about the most important thing we do as Catholics - Mass.  Mass is at the heart of what it means to be Catholic.  We know we must go on Sundays and holy days, and that Mass is also available during the week as well.  Going to Mass is the difference between being a practising Catholic and being a lapsed Catholic - no matter what else is going on in our lives.  But why is it so important?  What’s really going on at Mass?  And how can we appreciate it more? The need to wors